21 Jul

1)DECIDE OBJECTIVE AND MISSION OF AUDIT: Clinical or non-clinical audits must be something which can  measure an improvement or whether something is failing, or meeting it’s target.

2)DISCUSS WITH OTHER CLINICAL STAFF AND PRACTICE MANAGER: Get feedback whether your audit makes sense and is going to be of worth. 

3)COLLECT DATA FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: This can be from how you are performing against your competitors, what do your systems say, on how you are reaching your targets. Patient and Staff feedback, changes in clinical guidance. It can be a quantative or qualitative study. 

4)ANALYSE DATA: What is your data telling you, are you positive or negative against the objective of the audit. 

5)PRESENT DATA IN TABULAR FORM: Use excel to show your findings in various pie charts, and bar charts. 

6)STUDY DATA: In which specific sections are indicating where to improve. It may not be all areas, just certain. 

7)CARRY OUT ACTION PLAN WITH DATES: Always have your actions ready to be completed by a certain date.

8)FEEDBACK FINDINGS: Inform all staff what you have found, and what changes are you going to implement if any. 

9)IMPLEMENT CHANGES IF NEEDED: Always change something.

10)REAUDIT IN 12 MONTHS: Reauditing can be done in 3, 6, or 12-month intervals. Your new systems should be showing a positive improvement.

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